What I got for my Birthday 2016

Hey Internet Friends,

It was my birthday a few weeks ago and I wanted to share with you lovely people some of the things what I was gifted from my family and fiancé.

Lets get started shall we?

DSC06460Lets kick this off with the big present shall we?

My parents lovingly gifted me with a new toy. If you know me then you know I LOVE new technology.
I was given the 38mm Apple Watch with the woven strap.
I absolutely love my apple watch, I cant remember how I ever lived before it.
If you have an iPhone and you love it then I 100% guarantee you will love this too.


The new coloured version of the Real Techniques Core Collection.
You guys have seen my collection so you know that I already have them but I was desperate to get them in the new colour and for the slightly larger contour brush.
Absolutely DIVINE.


Victoria’s Secret Joggers.
I already have a pair of these in grey with different leg details and there the most comfortable things on this entire planet so imagine how unbelievably happy I was to receive these. I love these in the white colour with the pink detail and the cuff at the legs mean that they don’t trail on the floor seen as I am unbelievably short.


Now this right here is a little game changer, its a set containing the Estee Lauder double wear eyeliner, little black primer and the Sumptuous Extreme Mascara.
Ive never used an eyelash primer before but let me tell you, it makes one hell of a difference.
This stuff really packs a punch!

Hope you guys like looking at what I got for my birthday.

Whats your dream Birthday Gift?

Speak Soon,

HollyPop xx

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